



Urbanism for Architecture

by Young Joon Kim




Prologue: The Vanishing City

by Luca Galofaro


Conversation with Young Joon Kim

by Pier Alessio Rizzardi


Five Houses

Composite Masses

Urbanism for Architecture

Collective Forms


Epilogue: Coordinates of Reality

Young Joon Kim






“In a house as in a city the important things are located in-between the functions. Scale doesn’t change the approach. When you design an architecture from an urbanistic approach you cannot see the building as a single self-standing structure.

My starting idea is to rethink, rebuild, and reorganize the design across all scales creating continuity by breaking the boundaries between architecture and urbanism and between buildings and city. What I call it is: Urbanism for Architecture.”

Young Joon Kim

Editorial Director

Joseph di Pasquale


Editorial Coordination & Graphic Design

Pier Alessio Rizzardi



Young Joon Kim, Won Joon Choi, Luca Galofaro


Text Editing and Translations

Martyn J. Anderson


Editorial staff

Elena Tomei, Elena Cardani


Sales and Marketing

Andrea Bini, Claire Nardone


First published in 2017 by Editions de l’Arca International S.A.M. M.D.O.

31, avenue Princesse Grace MC 98000 Monaco

Printed in Italy by


Costa di Mezzate (BG), Italy

ISBN 978-2-9559981-1-3

Dépôt légal décembre 2017

Achevé d’imprimer en novembre 2017


€ 40,00



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