







In the contemporary age, in which markets, productions, consumptions, lifestyles and mindsets are connected on a global scale, in a continuous flux of exchanges generating interdependency among them, architecture keeps being contaminated by external factors which renovate this discipline's principles.

STUDIO#05 - is set to examine how these two concepts linked to architecture modify the way to conceive,think and project our cities. The spatio-temporal relationship among cultures,nations,habits and experiences has quickly shortened, conditioning and transforming, from ancient times to today, the urban contemporary architectural identity.

The endless dialogue of architecture with other disciplines and the unceasing exchange among different realities has produced an hybrid and heterogeneous urban landscape in which architectural experiences of different sources meet and combine.

If in the past the desire of discovery has started import-export among different cultures, which heritage did we receive? Which kind of interferences and which contaminations? And in the future will an identity still exist or will the labile limit of differences weaken?

Structurally organized in different ways of contribution - essays, insights, experiences, images - the issue is meant to be investigated by a multi-disciplinary global perspective in order to define its complexity.

Editor in Chief

Romolo Roberto Calabrese


Editorial Board:

Alessandro Colombo

Zeno Piccoli

Pier Alessio Rizzardi

Silvia Fernández de Alaiza

Stefano Sabatino





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